Too many fumbles in Madden Mobile? Here's the fix

Many players have experienced problems with fumbling, especially in Season games and Head-to-Head (H2H) games. It can get very annoying, very quickly, if your HB or QB keeps dropping the ball. But there's a quick fix for that.
Firstly, many players experience fumbles when doing skill moves. This includes both trucking, spin moves and juke moves. The alternative to this is to aim for the sidelines. This will of course often result in getting less yards, but it also mean that you'll never fumble. You can also run your regular plays without doing the skill moves and hope the tacklers don't get you down, but you'll need a great RB for that.
For kickoffs, a good way to reduce fumbles is to either run out the sideline (you won't get much further than the 10 yard line, to take the touchback or to let it roll into the endzone before downing it. But remember, there's always the risk of the kicking team recovering if let it roll.  

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